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紫薇奴仆宫贪狼 紫微斗数免费算命:下篇 宫垣论 交友宫(奴仆宫)

紫薇奴仆宫贪狼 紫微斗数免费算命:下篇 宫垣论 交友宫(奴仆宫)

·友谊宫被称为“仆人宫”,用来推断他与仆人之间的人际关系。现更名为“朋友宫”,并引申为推论与朋友的关系。这并不完全正确。 本宫表现出来的朋友,还是有晚辈和下等的性质,但并不是靠自己养活自己的人(比如学生和弟子,被视为“儿童宫”)。如果推论是同辈朋友的话,应该还是把【皇宫兄弟】当成主要的吧。 【友谊宫】在“兄弟宫”对面,我们也有重要影响。

·兄弟的数量是从“兄弟宫”正耀星系推断出来的。但同代好友的数量,除了【兄弟宫】之外,还是要看“友谊宫”正耀星系的影响力。只有“兄弟宫”还能显示熟人的数量。 ——至于兄弟之间是否友好,朋友之间的关系,也可以这样推导出来。








·紫薇独坐经脉,与姬瑶相伴。虽然她的手下忠诚可靠,但他们只提防权力转移。命宫有丞相,与紫微会场曲交情不错。 11 以言交友,才能结交忠实的朋友。






















贪狼,紫薇在交友宫_紫薇 贪狼 夫妻宫_紫薇奴仆宫贪狼












3 个太阳


















4 武术



贪狼,紫薇在交友宫_紫薇奴仆宫贪狼_紫薇 贪狼 夫妻宫



·只在【武曲天府】同度紫薇奴仆宫贪狼 紫微斗数免费算命:下篇 宫垣论 交友宫(奴仆宫),见鲁(亦不宜鲁存同度),亦见姬瑶,初师人脉广,供多帮助。










【五曲七杀】见莲真与花露,主得救,但不长久。如果你贪狼,那么你的感情永远是热的,永远是冷的;如果您看到一支支离破碎的军队,您有时可以帮助您紫薇奴仆宫贪狼 紫微斗数免费算命:下篇 宫垣论 交友宫(奴仆宫),也可以不提供帮助。




5 天一样
















紫薇 贪狼 夫妻宫_紫薇奴仆宫贪狼_贪狼,紫薇在交友宫














·如果[连真破军]破军改造薪水,主要是因为他的朋友,他可以结识乐于助人的人,而且他的下属可以为他解决重大困难。 ,














8 月





紫薇 贪狼 夫妻宫_贪狼,紫薇在交友宫_紫薇奴仆宫贪狼






9 贪狼

·贪狼高手交际,住在友谊宫。基性多戏的朋友,必遇姬花姬瑶,则先师有利,师徒多。 it's just a .

·If the wolf and the peach are at the same time, and they see , , , and , then the Lord will make with wine and meat, and they will sing and sing, and they will not help in .

·The Wolf will Ji Yao, and see , , , and then the first 's and are . It can be seen that the are all stars, and there are many , and .

The wolf and Sha Yao are at the same time, and when they see peach , they will cause of wine and . It will also the bogey, and be and down by or . the empty , the more the Lord will lose money of it.

The wolf and Jihua meet , the wolf Hualu, the is by his and his . , it is to , not .

The wolf into a bogey in the , and was by and . See also Peach and , which are by the color of wine.

·The wolf is in the and can make good with the . If it "Peach in the Water", there may be all kinds of peach , and the will have for his .

The wolf is in the of Yin and Shen, and he has to deal with bad . He must see his Ji Yao and then he can be . See evil and Huaji, the main power.

·The wolf is in the of , there is no Yao, the are , and they are prone to ; , the are .

[Fire greed], "Ling greed", the main .

·The wolf in the year is in the , the bogey, the evil , or from being ; Baihu, , and , it will be in .

10 giant gates

·Where the giant gate sits in the , is the of and ; is the of and .

, Jumen Hualu, or Lu , or , will Ji Yao, then the will have a good who can speak well and can help him start his own ; or the will do the same. Or have a lot of and with and , so as to a .

If the giant door is not in good luck and sees evil , the , or will not be able to do , and they will with each other. It is to in the rhyme of [ for money], and then the can be . Such as law, , and the like.

If the giant door is a bogey, the , and are rare. Even more evil, the will be down, so that right and wrong are ; or be by . More see empty , great , yin evil, and evil, which are due to the drag of ; loss due to by , or even and theft.

If the giant gate and Wenqu Huaji are in the same or to each other, the will be down by a or 's . See the four evils empty and , Yin evil, and other Yao, the was and .

The of the giant gates of the sun, if the sun the , the will be a of , or a of and words; It is not . If the giant gate of the sun the power and , the Lord can make with other races and be .

The of the giant gate, the , or have . Huaji is the main at the end. See Sha is the main .

The of the giant gate, the , or are more , the is busy, and there is no help

11 Days

· the . Under , the 's and are loyal to . But you must see the Prime , and then the Prime will be . The same is true for the Prime .

Hualu, , Huake, or with Lucun, the will make more and help, and stay here to start a and build a . can also help.

· meets the four evils, Huaji, , Great , etc. The Lord's is non-good, and he can help the evil but not the good, and the same is true for the . If you see empty , yin evil, witch, , etc., then the has it on of , and of it, it is and worn out.

The of [Ziwei ], good will get of and ; evil will be evil to bully the .

The of [Wuyue ], can help to make money, evil will be with , and the evil will be .

紫薇奴仆宫贪狼_紫薇 贪狼 夫妻宫_贪狼,紫薇在交友宫

The of [Lian, Zhen and ], good means deep ; means there is a dark side in the . evil will lead to .

·Every day in the , it must be to Po Jun, so it has a in . You must see Zuo Fu, You Bi, or see Lu, and then can be . If you see Sha Ji, you will be , and the of on the of stars and Yao.

· [ Xiang] sits in the , no how loyal and the are, they are not the , so they must work hard and take of the . The of life must be a giant gate, which is a sign that one has to work hard.

· meets the where the is empty, and the Lord is ; the meets the full of the , and then loyal and .

1 2 Tian Liang

· is the star of Luck. he sees his Ji Yao, he has a wide range of and many . , Huake, or with Jihua, the Lord will help, and and .

· and have the same , know that the is , and the his from time to time. So I am busy . This is true for those who have the same of Lu and Ma, and the , or has a self- heart.

Hualu, or the same of Lu Cun, then the , , and are to . If you see the evil , you will be and . More see Yin Sha, , the Lord is .

· and Sisha meet each other, and arise of their or ; even more so, when empty is the main loss. Huaji, right and wrong start at the end of the day, seek it out and make it into a big event; and the or on his .

The of the sun and , the sun is , and the main is not rich but . But it is still to see the left and the right, and then the first will help, it will only be a . If the sun turns bogey, then the has it on of , and .

The of " " is the best in Yin . In , the has and who can take care of the . If you see evil , then the or are easy to be .

·The of has many and and is easy to . the evil , the will the empty , and the will and incur . Those who are and are more to to frame them. See yin evil, music and bogey are .

the , sees , and a [] grid. The has many and can . Only less , only to under the .

13 Seven Kills

Seven kills the . If you Ji Yao in the , then the can only , but the will not .

Seven kills must meet Hualu, or meet Lucun, and then they can be , then the Lord will get help and make money.

·Only Seven Kills and Lu Cun have the same , but of the , they deal with , and they push , or they are by their . It is also with fire bells, air , and , and thus loss and .

Seven and Sha Yao are in the same house, so it is not to power , the and the slave will the . See the empty , the great , the of the sky, the evil , the evil of the , and the main cause of the is taken and .

·Seven kills are at the same time as Mars. Ji Yao, the , or can give great help, but it is too late.

The Seven Clubs [fire greed] and [bell greed] have a in or , but they are also prone to , which on the luck and of the stars.

·The seven kills are in the of , and the arts are the same. If the arts , they will see Sha Yao. The main is that a goes , or the is of a , and the main is also .

·Fan Qisha is in the , and many are , so it is not for to in . Nor you to .

Seven Kills and Lian Zhen Huaji meet , but if it is , it will lead to a major , which can cause great right and wrong.

14 the Army

· the , the basic is , ··Gai Huaqi is , the main , and back , only the army the , and Hualu or Lu Cun is the same , and then the first .

·The who the army and sits alone in the is the main . See the Ji Yao at the same time, and then get the help of or . If you see the prime , but also see the evil , you will have a life-long right and wrong , and it will be worn out of it. See the empty , the , the is .

· the army is a fire bell clip, or the fire bell has the same . It is more to see the sky , the of the sky, the of the sky, the great , the evil , the moon of the sky, the evil evil, etc., of . steal, , or cause due to them.

·The broke the army into the , and had to with the "Lian Xiang", which was to . If turns bogey, it is not to with , it will be a loss. More see the evil Zhu Yao, the loss is very large.

·Yin Shen Gong broke the army, and for [Wuqu ], if is in the , the will make bad and be down. If the arts the money, or break the army and the money, then the first will help to make money.

the army, for [Ziwei ], the can make and , and also the and . , the evil is also the to help the .

· who the and makes and is rich is the most for Wuqu Huaji at the same level or in the same . It is also not to be and turn into bogey. that the evil is of , it is to and . The same or the arch of the taboo is also down or .
